
        Art Basel Hong Kong 2022

        巴塞爾藝術展香港展會 2022

        Leo Gallery | 獅語画廊

        Booth 1D54

        Qin Feng in Venice – San Giorgio Maggiore
        秦風在威尼斯 — 聖喬治·馬焦雷島

        Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

        1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
        香港會議展覽中心 香港灣仔港灣道1號

        Private View | 貴賓預展
        25 - 26 May 2022
        Vernissage | 開幕之夜
        27 May 2022
        General Days | 公眾參觀

        28 - 29 May 2022

        Desire Scenery Series No. 1618 欲望风景系列 1618

        Acrylic on Alcantara 丙烯、无纺布

        270 x 370cm, 2016

        Leo Gallery is proud to announce our participation at Art Basel Hong Kong 2022! This year, we bring Chinese artist Qin Feng’s solo to the fair.

        “Qin Feng in Venice – San Giorgio Maggiore” promotes cultural interaction and a greater understanding of our contemporary civilization through open dialogues. It aims to offer a glimpse of Qin Feng’s artistic achievements in cultural compatibility, so as to push forward the dialogues between the Eastern and Western cultures which were initiated in the exhibition titled “Waiting for Qin Feng” curated by Achille Bonito Oliva in San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice in 2016. The works on show include important creations of the artist - from the Desire Scenery series to the Fallen Angel series that were once showcased in Venice, which epitomize the pivotal stages of Qin Feng’s artistic career.

        Qin’s paintings present emotional and explosive images that seamlessly blend ancient Chinese calligraphy with Western abstract expressionism. With best endeavors, Qin attempts to create a space for exchange between the Eastern cultural context and Western artistic expression, in the hope that viewers will be able to feel the same emotions he had when he first stepped across the boundary of civilization and entered a sacred realm.

        As an artist and scholar that incorporate both Eastern and Western cultures, Qin Feng is a leading figure in revolutionizing traditional Chinese ink painting. His works go through and beyond the field of civilization; across traditional and contemporary; idea and practice; they merge the spirit of Chinese calligraphy and the romanticism in Western expressionism, giving rise to a unique artistic language and style.

        Waiting for Qin Feng: Qin Feng Solo Exhibition at Monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore, 2016


        是次展出包括秦風2016年應Achille Bonito Oliva邀請在威尼斯雙年展期間於聖喬治·馬焦雷島修道院舉辦《迎風》個展的「慾望風景」與「墜落的天使」系列多幅經典作品, 標誌著秦風藝術生涯重要的一頁。《秦風在威尼斯——聖喬治·馬焦雷島》也是對秦風作品中的文化兼容與多義性的階段總結,意圖重現威尼斯彼時東西方藝術別開生面的對談面貌。
        作為一個橫跨東西方文化的藝術家及學者,秦風是革新了中國傳統水墨的代表性人物。他的作品穿越文明的曠野,在傳統與當代、構思與實現間穿梭, 兼容了西方表現主義哲學的浪漫與中國書寫式的氣韻,構建了個人獨特的語言和風格。

        Fallen Angel Series I and II 堕落天使系列 1、2

        Acrylic on Linen Paper 亚麻纸、丙烯

        374 x 159 cm / 359 x 159 cm, 2016

        About Qin Feng

        關 於 秦 風

        Qin Feng (b 1961, Xinjiang, China)

        秦風 (1961年生於中國新疆)

        Currently works and lives in Beijing

        Graduated from Shandong Institute of Arts and Crafts in 1985, Qin Feng is a leading international ink artist and one of the foremost representatives of China’s avant-garde movement. In 1996, the German Government invited Qin Feng to Berlin to promote cultural exchange between China and Germany; in 2006, Qin Feng founded the Museum of Contemporary Art in Beijing. Qin was a guest lecturer in Berlin University of the Arts and Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. He is currently a contemporary art researcher in Harvard University. His works have been exhibited internationally and collected by private collectors, major museums and institutions including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum, the Rockefeller Foundation and the National Museum of China amongst others.

        狮語画廊丨上海 Leo Gallery Shanghai


        Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China.

        Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)

        +86 2154653261 Shanghai@leogallery.com.cn


        狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong


        1203, Block C, Sea View Estate, 8 Watson Road , Tin Hau, Hong Kong
        Tues-Sat: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)

        +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cn


        回放秦风与欧洲文艺复兴对话展 Play back the dialogue exhibition between Qin Feng and the European Renaissance

        秦风与欧洲文艺复兴对话展在威尼斯圣·乔治马焦雷等三岛盛大开展 The dialogue exhibition with the European Renaissance in Qin Feng was held in Venice, saint george, Maggiore and other three islands.

        展览主题 Exhibition theme:WAITING FOR QIN FENG <迎风>

        展览时间 Exhibition time:2016 年 5 月 19 日—6 月 19 日 May 19th-June 19th, 2016

        开幕式地点 Venue of opening ceremony:Venice,San Giorgio Maggiore

        策展人 The curator:奥尼瓦 Achille Bonito Oliva&万达 Umberto Vattani

        2016 年 5 月 19 日晚 6 时,“迎风 WAITING FOR QIN FENG”秦风。威尼斯个展的开幕式在神圣的 San Giorgio Maggiore 盛大开幕,策展人奥尼瓦 Achille Bonito Oliva 和万达 Umberto Vattani 与来自全球知名博物馆卢浮宫博物主席、古根汉姆博物馆馆长、联合国代表等人士,及知名艺术家、评论家和政要共聚一堂,见证了这一历史时刻。

        At 6: 00 pm on May 19th, 2016, "WAITING FOR QIN FENG" Qin Feng. The opening ceremony of the solo exhibition in Venice was grandly opened in the holy San Giorgio Maggiore. The curators, Oniva Achille Bonito Oliva and Wanda Umberto Vattani, gathered together with the chairman of the Louvre Museum, the curator of Guggenheim Museum, representatives of the United Nations and other famous artists, critics and politicians to witness this historical moment.

        此次展览特别展出了一组“天圆地方”系列的青花瓷碗装置作品,近 2 米的青花大碗内外描绘了古埃及、玛雅、古巴比伦以及东方古老象形符号。构成史前先后人类文明基本特征及文脉。

        In this exhibition, a set of blue and white porcelain bowl installations of the "Heaven and Round Place" series are specially displayed. The inside and outside of the nearly 2m blue and white bowl depicts ancient Egypt, Maya, ancient Babylon and ancient oriental hieroglyphs. The basic characteristic and context of human civilization in prehistoric times.

        天圆地方大型陶瓷装置作品及二十四口彩釉大碗镶嵌在巴洛克建筑代表作品的园林中,由交响乐团演奏的优美旋律引领,与会佳宾无不陶醉其中。 在进入主厅的前廊,《坠落的天使》横空玄关左右,象征东方哲学阴阳。同时这两幅作品与《加纳的婚礼》隔厅呼应。《加纳的婚礼》描绘了在一对新人的婚礼的现场,上帝展现了他的第一个神迹,而秦风的“坠落的天使”系列展现了自然世界阴阳理念,相生相克生生不息。

        The large-scale ceramic installation works and twenty-four colored glazed bowls in the world are embedded in the gardens of representative works of Baroque architecture. They are led by the beautiful melody played by the symphony orchestra, and all the guests at the meeting are intoxicated. Entering the front porch of the main hall, "Falling Angels" rises to the left and right of the porch, symbolizing the yin and yang of eastern philosophy. At the same time, these two works echo "Wedding in Ghana" across the hall. The Wedding in Ghana depicts the scene of a couple’s wedding, where God shows his first miracle, while Qin Feng’s "Falling Angels" series shows the concept of yin and yang in the natural world.

        当晚 7 时,在绵绵细雨与交响乐的完美映衬下,大提琴的独奏中,将展场气氛推向高潮。秦风在主厅与艺复兴时期代表作《加纳的婚礼》的互动下,进行了现场即兴创作。他以西方媒介东方语境与哲学观照再现了《加纳的婚礼》。

        At 7 o’clock that night, under the perfect background of drizzle and symphony, the solo of cello pushed the atmosphere of the exhibition to a climax. Under the interaction between Qin Feng’s main hall and the representative work of the Art Renaissance, The Wedding in Ghana, he improvised on the spot. He reproduced "The Wedding in Ghana" with the oriental context and philosophical perspective of western media.

        秦风表示,这幅画表达了他对于东西方文明、古代文艺复兴与当代文艺复兴的兼容信念,同时表现了他对于未来文明包容性环境的美好向往。 此次展览获得了意大利官方最高级别机构的支持,包括意大利文化部、威尼斯国际大学等。同时,此次活动也是首次三岛联动开放,除了展览所在的 San GiorgioMaggiore 岛,展览场地还包括了威尼斯国际大学所在的 San Servolo 岛以及亚美尼亚天主教修道院所在的 San Lazzaro 岛。

        Qin Feng said that this painting expressed his belief in the compatibility of Eastern and Western civilizations, ancient Renaissance and contemporary Renaissance, and at the same time showed his beautiful yearning for the inclusive environment of future civilization. The exhibition was supported by the highest official institutions in Italy, including the Italian Ministry of Culture and Venice International University. At the same time, this event is also the first time that the three islands have been jointly opened. Apart from San GiorgioMaggiore, where the exhibition is held, the exhibition venues also include San Servolo, where Venice International University is located, and San Lazzaro, where Armenian Catholic Monastery is located.

        [背景简介及展览意义]《加纳的婚礼》是委罗内塞为 San Giorgio Maggiore 修道院特别创作的巨幅画作,描绘了圣经中耶稣的第一个神迹(耶稣在婚宴上将水变成了美酒分享给众人)。1797 年拿破仑将原作两刀三块夺至法国,至今一直为卢浮宫镇馆之宝,静静地与蒙娜丽莎隔空对视。此外,San Giorgio Maggiore 修道院是由文艺复兴时期著名建筑师帕拉迪奥设计。因此,秦风此次的展览,不仅仅是对历史的尊重,也是跨时空对文艺复兴时期的代表作表达敬意。此次的个人画展,在艺术家历史上创造了三个“第一”

        [Background Introduction and Exhibition Significance] The Wedding in Ghana is a huge painting specially created by Veronese for San Giorgio Maggiore Monastery. It depicts the first miracle of Jesus in the Bible (Jesus turned water into wine and shared it with everyone at the wedding reception). Napoleon took the original work to France in 797, and it has been the treasure of the Louvre Museum ever since, quietly looking at Mona Lisa from a distance. In addition, San Giorgio Maggiore Monastery was designed by palladio, a famous architect in Renaissance. Therefore, this exhibition in Qin Feng not only respects history, but also pays tribute to the masterpieces of the Renaissance across time and space. This solo exhibition has created three firsts in the history of artists.

        [第一次与西方“ 文艺复兴”的对话,打造新型“ 文化艺术 “ 新丝绸之路”]700 余年前,马可波罗开辟的丝绸之路将东方文化传播到了西方大陆。500 余年前,欧洲文艺复兴使西方文明开始了多元文明的发展之路,并为当今全球艺术多元性化态奠定了基础。在这 500 年间,西方文明的艺术形态发展了巨大的变化,同时东方文明也经历了数次影响了亚洲乃至西方文明的重大变化。今天,在威尼斯这个马可波罗丝绸之路的起点和欧亚文明与艺术的聚集地,秦风与文艺复兴时代大师委罗内塞(《加纳的婚礼》的作者)进行时空对话。并在修道院中进行现场了创作,并将画作分割成三块,以此形式向《加纳的婚礼》原作的遭遇表达警世。此次画展不仅开启了历史上第一次东西方“ 文艺复兴”的对话,同时也代表了连接东西方文化艺术的“新丝绸之路”扬帆起航。

        [The first dialogue with the Western "Renaissance" to create a new "new silk road of culture and art"] More than 700 years ago, the Silk Road opened by Kyle Polo spread the eastern culture to the western continent. More than 500 years ago, the European Renaissance started the development of western civilization with pluralism, and laid the foundation for the pluralism of global art today. During these 500 years, the artistic form of western civilization has developed greatly, and at the same time, the eastern civilization has experienced several major changes that have influenced Asian and even western civilizations. Today, in Venice, the starting point of Kyle’s Polo Silk Road and the gathering place of Eurasian civilization and art, Qin Feng had a time-space conversation with Veronese, the Renaissance master (author of Marriage in Ghana). He created it on the spot in the monastery, and divided the painting into three pieces, in this way, he expressed his warning to the experience of the original Wedding in Ghana. This exhibition not only opened the first "Renaissance" dialogue between the East and the West in history, but also represented the setting sail of the "New Silk Road" connecting the culture and art of the East and the West.

        [第一次在圣乔治马吉奥莱修道院举办画展]圣乔治马吉奥莱修道院是集文艺复兴建筑、园艺、绘画艺术于一体的代表性场所。它与全球知名的圣马可广场隔岸相对,是威尼斯地标性建筑,也是全世界天主教徒们敬仰的宗教圣地。欧洲久负盛名的文化基金会 Giorgio Cini Foundation,也是本次画展的主办方,就坐落于该岛。此次“迎风 WAITING FOR QIN FENG” 展览,凸显了欧洲文化对于秦风艺术哲学及作品的认可,也彰显了西方文化的博大胸怀。秦风在修道院中以东方水墨的艺术语言表达对神圣殿堂和伟大作品的致意,和对未来艺术发展的祝愿。

        [The first exhibition of paintings was held at St. George’s Maggiole Monastery] St. George’s Maggiole Monastery is a representative place integrating Renaissance architecture, gardening and painting. It is opposite to the world-famous St. Kyle Square, a landmark building in Venice, and a religious shrine admired by Catholics all over the world. Giorgio Cini Foundation, a prestigious cultural foundation in Europe, is also the organizer of this exhibition, which is located on the island. The exhibition "WAITING FOR QIN FENG in the Wind" highlights the recognition of Qin Feng’s artistic philosophy and works by European culture, as well as the broad mind of western culture. In Qin Feng Monastery, we express our greetings to the sacred halls and great works, and wish for the future artistic development in the artistic language of oriental ink and wash.

        [第一次完美“ 包容性”的艺术表现]在展览现场,LED 屏幕播放古老文字与抽象符号互相演变、融合的视频,在数十分钟内再现数千年的东西方文脉沉淀。同时,配合古典交响乐团的现场演奏,凸显东西方文化的碰撞与交融。同时,此次画作中的符号元素,也是对于意大利著名符号发明者马努蒂乌斯(标点符号的发明者)的致意。除了平面作品,秦风此次个展中还包括了大型青花瓷碗装置作品在三岛构成主题系列遥相呼应。在同一主题中涵盖不同地域、时间、文化元素。表现了秦风作品独特风格的“包容性”艺术理念。

        [The first perfect "inclusive" artistic expression] At the exhibition site, the LED screen plays a video of the mutual evolution and integration of ancient characters and abstract symbols, and reproduces thousands of years’ deposits of eastern and western cultures in dozens of minutes. At the same time, with the live performance of classical symphony orchestra, it highlights the collision and blending of eastern and western cultures. At the same time, the symbol elements in this painting are also a tribute to the famous Italian symbol inventor Manuti Wus (the inventor of punctuation). Besides graphic works, Qin Feng’s solo exhibition also includes large-scale blue-and-white porcelain bowl installation works, which echo each other in the theme series of the three islands. It covers different geographical, temporal and cultural elements in the same theme. It shows the "inclusive" artistic concept of the unique style of Qin Feng’s works.

        [艺术家及策展人、主办方介绍]关于秦风1961 年出生于新疆,毕业于山东工艺美院,以后现代水墨作品而著称。他采用抽象表现主义创作理念,兼容传统书写精神,以新型多材媒创作。他多次获得国际艺术奖项。作品曾被大都会艺术博物馆,大英博物馆、波士顿博物馆等数十家知名博物馆收藏。他也是当代艺术及教育的重要支持者,创办了北京当代艺术馆,二十多年来为中国当代艺术的发展与国际交流作出了重要贡献。

        [Introduction of artist, curator and organizer] Qin Feng was born in Xinjiang in 1961, graduated from Shandong Academy of Arts and Crafts, and became famous for his modern ink and wash works. He adopted the abstract expressionist creative idea, compatible with the traditional writing spirit, and created with new multi-media He has won many international art awards. His works have been collected by dozens of famous museums such as Metropolitan Museum of Art, British Museum and Boston Museum. He is also an important supporter of contemporary art and education, founded the Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art, and has made important contributions to the development of Chinese contemporary art and international exchanges for more than 20 years.

        关于奥利瓦 Achille Bonito OlivaAchille Bonito Oliva 是国际知名的当代艺术批评家、策展人和学者。Oliva 曾出任了第四十五届威尼斯双年展( 1993)主席、第一届瓦伦西亚双年展( 2001)的主席,和第七届巴黎双年展的意大利馆馆长( 1971)的策展人,同时获得了多个国际奖项和荣誉。关于 Umberto VanttaniVattani 大使是意大利乃至欧洲外交领域的知名外交官,被人们称为“欧洲的外交教父”。他曾任意大利驻华大使、意大利驻欧盟大使、意大利外交部长、威尼斯国际大学校长;2005 年,他出任意大利对外贸易委员会( ICE)主席。他一直支持当代艺术的推动和发展,并曾经发起了 “ 意大利制造”的营销活动。Vattani 大使因为对于文化的支持,在许多国家都获得了国家元首的奖励。关于 Giorgio Cini FoundationCini 基金会是全球知名基金会之一,为国际间学术交流与研究做出卓越贡献。总部设在威尼斯,属非营利性文化机构。

        About Achille Bonito Oliva Achille Bonito Oliva is an internationally renowned contemporary art critic, curator and scholar. Oliva was the president of the 45th Venice Biennale (1993), the first Valencia Biennale (2001), and the curator of the Italian Pavilion (1971) of the 7th Paris Biennale, and won many international awards and honors. Ambassador Umberto VanttaniVattani is a well-known diplomat in the diplomatic field of Italy and even Europe, and is called "the godfather of European diplomacy". He served as Italian Ambassador to China, Italian Ambassador to the European Union, Italian Foreign Minister and President of Venice International University. In 2005, he became the chairman of Italian Foreign Trade Commission (ICE). He has always supported the promotion and development of contemporary art, and once launched the marketing campaign of "Made in Italy". Ambassador Vattani has won awards from heads of state in many countries because of his support for culture. About Giorgio Cini FoundationCini Foundation is one of the world-renowned foundations, making outstanding contributions to international academic exchanges and research. Headquartered in Venice, it is a non-profit cultural institution.

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